
IGP KP Police and Advisor To CM on ST&IT Ziaullah Bangash visit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board

IGP KP Police and Advisor To CM on ST&IT Ziaullah Bangash visit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board

Itelaa is a step to digitize policing in the Province. - Zia Ullah Bangash

PESHAWAR: Inspector General of Police Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sanaullah Abbasi visited the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board (KPITB) on Tuesday invited by Advisor to CM on ST & IT Ziaullah Khan Bangash. Managing Director of KPITB Dr. Shahbaz Khan and other officials received the guests.

During the short visit IGP Dr. Sanaullah was briefed on different initiatives of KPITB including; ITELAA - Digital Reporting Hub, KPCERC and Workaround. IGP and his team showed keen interest in ITELAA platform.

Ziaullah Bangash told that ITELAA platform is the first step towards digitalizing Police department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. ITELAA is a web-based automation platform for digitization of police FIR reporting system. The platform was piloted in District Malakand, under which a central command and control room was established to monitor centrally connected 14 Levy Posts and 6 Chowkis. The platform also provides the operators with online supervision of Malakand Levies force’s operations through a vehicle tracking system, records the attendance of personnel employed with Malakand Levies Force and a leave approval system.
It is worth to mention that, in the pilot phase, twenty-four (24) registers under the use of Malakand Levies Force in their Thanas have been digitized. So far, more than 4,200 FIRs and 219,260 Roznamchas have been registered through ITELAA.

On the special direction Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mehmood Khan, KPITB and Police department are planning to expend the ITELAA platform to all Police stations in the province.

During the discussion, IGP appreciated the initiative and suggested some valuable features to enhance the performance of ITELLA-Digital Reporting Hub.

At the end of the visit, Ziaullah Bangash thanked the guests and presented a shield to the Inspector General of Police Sanaullah Abbasi.


The KP Government Innovation Fellowship program has successfully completed 5 cycles since its launch in 2014

The KP Government Innovation Fellowship program has successfully completed 5 cycles since its launch in 2014. The Fellowship program is a 6 months program that brings in developers, designers, and innovators to work alongside the government to develop apps & digital solutions to increase citizen engagement with government and improving government service delivery. The program has been extremely successful in transforming governance and bringing digitization to government processes and improving government service delivery in the KP province.

Over the course of the past 5 years, the digital solutions developed under the Fellowship program have been used to resolve over 3.16 million requests made by the public using apps, services, and websites developed by the Fellows of the program.

Moreover, these solutions have facilitated over 14 thousand users each week which approximately means ‘1’ user facilitation each minute and has saved over 90,000 hours in government time since 2017.


Graduation Ceremony: KP Government Innovation Fellowship Program.

A graduation ceremony was held for the 5th cycle of the KP Government Innovation Fellowship Program on Friday 17th January 2020 at Durshal Peshawar.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Zia Ullah Khan Bangash, Advisor to the Chief Minister on Science, Technology and Information Technology as the chief guest. He was accompanied by KPITB's senior management, focal persons from partnering Government Departments and representatives from Code for Pakistan.

The Fellowship program is a 6 months program that brings in developers, designers, and innovators to work alongside the government to develop apps & digital solutions to increase citizen engagement with government and improving government service delivery.

In his address during the ceremony, Mr. Zia Ullah Bangash commended the efforts of the Fellows for developing these innovative solutions and congratulated them for successfully completing the 6 months Fellowship program. He also appreciated the focal persons of partnering government departments for supporting these Fellows and championing these digital solutions towards successful launch and deployments. He also shared his vision of taking KP towards Digital Transformation and supporting this program forward.


As a step towards the vision of Digital Pakistan

As a step towards the vision of Digital Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran Khan launched the initiative of "Digital Pakistan" last month. It is worth sharing that the KP Digital Policy 2018-23, developed by #KPITB, is in alignment with PM's Digital Pakistan initiative.

Managing Director KPITB, Shahbaz Khan presented what KP has already achieved through the KP Digital Policy aligned with Digital Pakistan Policy to the team from the federal government.

To read more about the #KPDigitalPolicy, visit: https://www.digitalkp.info/


Mr. Zia Ullah Khan Bangash, Advisor to CM KPK on Science, Technology and Information Technology was welcomed at KPITB

Mr. Zia Ullah Khan Bangash, Advisor to Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Science, Technology and Information Technology was welcomed at KPITB and briefed about the initiatives taken for the digital transformation of the province.


Early Age Programming Winter Boot Camp! 2019

KPITB is pleased to announce Winter Boot Camp for private and Government School's kids of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Early Age Programming Technologies under the mentorship of EAP Trainers.
Interested Private and Government schools can apply here


Global Director, Louise Cord and other senior members from the World Bank visited Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board (KPITB) last week.

Global Director, Louise Cord and other senior members from the World Bank visited Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board (KPITB) last week. They were briefed about Durshal and newly constructed BPO facility (Workaround).

Workaround is a first ever government owned Business outsourcing facility in Pakistan. It is a part of the Digital Jobs project. The facility is ready for launch and will create 700 full-time jobs for the youth of province.

The delegation appreciated the initiatives of KPITB and offered their technical and financial support to boost and strengthen these projects.


Registrations are have been reopened for Cycel-2 of free Advanced Digital Skills trainings

Good News for the youth of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. After the completion of Cycle-1, the registrations are have been reopened for Cycel-2 of free Advanced Digital Skills trainings.

UNDP and KPITB have joined hands to offer advanced digital skills trainings for the promotion of digital jobs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This is an opportunity for the youth of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the newly merged districts to improve their job prospects in both national and global job markets.

Register Now: www.kpyep.com, and become a certified professional of:
1. Amazon Web Services [AWS Solutions Architect – Associate]
2. Microsoft Azure [MCSD - Web Applications]
3. Big Data Analytics [Cloudera Certified Data Analyst]

Registration Deadline: December 31, 2019
Females & Transgenders are encouraged to Apply!


Training on Cyber Security to Officers of Information Department on special directives of Mr. Kamran Bangash

*کامران بنگش کی خصوصی ہدایت ، آئی ٹی بورڈ کا انفارمیشن آفیسرز کے لئے سائبر سیکیورٹی پر تربیتی سیشن کا انعقاد*
خیبرپختونخوا بورڈ آف انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی کی جانب وزیراعلیٰ خیبرپختونخوا کے معاون خصوصی برائے سائنس و انفامیشن ٹیکنالوجی کامران بنگش کی خصوصی ہدایت پر محکمہ اطلاعات و تعلقات عامہ کے آفیسرز کے لئے سائبر سیکیورٹی کے حوالے سے آگاہی سیمینار کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ جسمیں تقریبا 13 انفارمیشن آفیسرز کو ڈیٹا محفوظ رکھنے، ذاتی اکاﺅنٹس کو ہیکنگ سے بچانے سمیت اسکیمنگ جیسے سائبر فراڈ سے بچنے کے حوالے معلوماتی اور تربیتی مواد پر بریفنگ دی گئی۔ خیبرپختونخوا سائبر سیکیورٹی ایمرجنسی رسپانس سنٹر کے سربراہ رفیع الشان نے سائبرسیکیورٹی کے حوالے سے منعقدہ آگاہی سیشن سے اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ اس وقت ساری دنیا میں ذاتی اوعوامی ڈیٹا کو محفوظ رکھنے کے حوالے سے کئی چیلنجز کا سامنا ہے ۔ آئے روز نت نئے طریقوں سے ڈیٹا چوری کرنے کے واقعات رونما ہو رہے ہیں ان سائبر جرائمپر قابو پانا وقت کی اہم ترین ضرورت ہے کیونکہ ہر 39 سیکنڈز کے اندر ایک ہیکنگ کا واقع رونما ہو رہا ہے۔ جبکہ سائبر کرائمز کرنے والے افراد ہر سال 1.5 ٹریلین ڈالرز غیر قانونی طور پر کما رہے ہیں اگر اس پر قابو نہیں پایا گیا تو 2021 تک سائبرکرائم کرنے والوں کے ہاتھوں یہ نقصان 06 ٹریلین ڈالرز تک پہنچ جائے گا۔ رفیع الشان نے انفارمیشن آفیسرز کو ڈیٹا ، سوشل میڈیا اکاﺅنٹس ہیکنگ سے بچنے اورجعلی خبروں کی روک تھام اور اس کی پہچان کے حوالے سے مختلف طریقوں سے بھی آگاہ کیا۔
آگاہی سیمینارکے اختتام پر مہمان خصوصی ڈائریکٹر پبلک ریلیشنزمحکمہ اطلاعات و تعلقات عامہ خیبرپختونخوا بہرہ مند خان نے انفارمیشن آفیسرز میں اسناد تقسیم کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ آج کے دور میں ڈیجیٹل دنیا میں محفوظ رہنا ہر لحاظ سے اہم ہوتا جا رہا ہے اور محکمہ اطلاعات و تعلقات عامہ ہر لحاظ سے کوشش کر رہی ہے کہ اپنے آفیسرز کو سائبر سیکیورٹی کے حوالے مزید پیشہ ور بنائیں کیونکہ اس کا براہ راست تعلق مفاد عامہ سے ہے۔ انہوں نے خیبرپختونخوا بورڈ آف انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی کا شکریہ ادا کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ خیبرپختونخوا سائبر سیکیورٹی ایمرجنسی رسپانس سنٹر کی اہمیت روز بروز بڑھتی جارہی ہے اور اس سے عوامی مفاد کے لئے تربیتی سیشنز منعقد کرنا خوش آئند ہیں۔ تربیتی سیشن کے موقع خیبرپختونخوا بورڈ آف انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی کے ڈائریکٹر مارکیٹنگ بھی موجود تھے۔


Young and rising talent from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Young and rising talent from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa keeps the Crescent and Star high above all in the Junior Student Category at Asia Pacific ICT Alliance - apicta 2019 held in Halong, Vietnam. Students like Abdullah Swati are the pride not only for our province but for the whole nation. KPITB’s Early Age Programme has polished the raw talent of kids like Abdullah, who has made us proud not only in National level competitions, but this time shining bright at Asia Pacific level.