Date Happened 2020-02-01

Event Description

The KP Government Innovation Fellowship program has successfully completed 5 cycles since its launch in 2014. The Fellowship program is a 6 months program that brings in developers, designers, and innovators to work alongside the government to develop apps & digital solutions to increase citizen engagement with government and improving government service delivery. The program has been extremely successful in transforming governance and bringing digitization to government processes and improving government service delivery in the KP province.

Over the course of the past 5 years, the digital solutions developed under the Fellowship program have been used to resolve over 3.16 million requests made by the public using apps, services, and websites developed by the Fellows of the program.

Moreover, these solutions have facilitated over 14 thousand users each week which approximately means ‘1’ user facilitation each minute and has saved over 90,000 hours in government time since 2017.