Date Happened 2020-01-17

Event Description

A graduation ceremony was held for the 5th cycle of the KP Government Innovation Fellowship Program on Friday 17th January 2020 at Durshal Peshawar.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Zia Ullah Khan Bangash, Advisor to the Chief Minister on Science, Technology and Information Technology as the chief guest. He was accompanied by KPITB's senior management, focal persons from partnering Government Departments and representatives from Code for Pakistan.

The Fellowship program is a 6 months program that brings in developers, designers, and innovators to work alongside the government to develop apps & digital solutions to increase citizen engagement with government and improving government service delivery.

In his address during the ceremony, Mr. Zia Ullah Bangash commended the efforts of the Fellows for developing these innovative solutions and congratulated them for successfully completing the 6 months Fellowship program. He also appreciated the focal persons of partnering government departments for supporting these Fellows and championing these digital solutions towards successful launch and deployments. He also shared his vision of taking KP towards Digital Transformation and supporting this program forward.