Date Happened 2021-02-25

Event Description

KPITB has started training of 2 government schools of Khyber Tribal District on Early Age Programming and IT essentials. 
The activity involved training students of 2 government schools of Khyber Tribal District on Early Age Programming and IT essentials. These schools are GHS Kohi Sher Haider and GHS Jan Khan Kili in Tehsil Bara of Khyber Tribal District. Under the project, 1000 students of 4 boys' and 4 girls' schools in Khyber and Orakzai tribal districts will be trained on EAP and IT essentials.

This will result in skill development and improvement in IT literacy of government school students and development of logical and analytical thinking among government school students. Under this project, eight state-of-the-art IT Labs have also been established in these schools.